Our story

Who are we?

In 2021, the two of us, as a Dutch company, started Flamengo.

Flamengo was created from a passion for a healthy lifestyle. Cindy, one of the founders, is active as a health-fit coach and has been busy for years with healthy food, sports, exercise and other hacks, which make a positive contribution to energy and health life.

''After seven knee operations, the challenge and motivation is great to maintain a healthy standard of living. I do want to have fun. Getting the most out of yourself within a healthy balance. Make conscious choices and see what works for you.”

Joey, the co-founder, also has a passion for a healthy lifestyle.

''I want to be fit. I think sports are particularly important. Due to a chronic illness, kidney failure, energy and health cannot be taken for granted. But by exerting as much influence as possible, I have noticed that even with a total kidney function of 10% you can feel better. I have now received a donor kidney from one of my best friends. I also benefited greatly from this healthy lifestyle during my recovery. For me this means nutrition, exercise, exercise, rest, challenge and relaxation. Just like Cindy, I find fun and a healthy balance important. Eating out regularly and occasionally cheat food is part of it for me. ''

Flamengo our story

How did Flamengo come about?

What is an important part of this healthy standard of living for both of us is a regular visit to the sauna. Because we have experienced many positive effects of the sauna, we have looked into this further; specifically in the infrared sauna.

Many different benefits can be obtained from the infrared sauna.
''It felt like I was sweating out the toxins that I had in my body due to my barely functioning kidney. This gave me more energy and made me less restless while sleeping. This allowed me to sleep better. It also provides wonderful relaxation.”

Cindy often uses the sauna after exercise and busy days.

''It is good for the joints and muscles. In addition, it can help with the osteoarthritis in my knee. Every little bit helps. It feels good for my skin, it is softer. And even after a busy day, it is wonderful to completely de-stress and relax. And breathing training in the sauna is ideal."

A visit to the sauna is very nice and provides many benefits. We see that the infrared sauna continues to rise in popularity. However, we do find a sauna visit very expensive if you want to go regularly. And it is important to exercise regularly if you want to optimize the health benefits. In addition, it was not always possible for us to go. It was just inconvenient or secretly too much of an obstacle once you were home.

During this period we came into contact with an infrared sauna blanket.
In America and Australia, among others, there were great proponents of infrared sauna blankets. This product has been very popular here for years. Many people are talking about it. Well-known magazines, athletes, specialists and celebrities, among others, rave about it.


The development of Flamengo

Our interest was aroused and the enthusiasm increased after we experienced this infrared blanket ourselves. It provides a lot of extra benefits compared to a visit to the sauna or purchasing a cabin.
Whenever you want, wherever you want, cost-effective, as often as you want and also comfortable.

We were quickly convinced to further develop this product. From this point we started developing the best sauna blanket. This was done by looking at what could be improved about the product, such as the 360 ​​degree heating, the best infrared technology and high-quality material for maximum heat retention.

We took the time to do this and with the help of the American and Australian parties we finally arrived at the Flamengo Infrared Sauna Blanket.

When this was successful, we, as a Dutch company, introduced the still unknown sauna blanket to part of Europe. With the mission to help people get the most out of their lifestyle. Full of energy, completely balanced and completely relaxed.

 Flamengo process creation

The path of Flamengo

We now have a team of internal and external specialists.
In addition to our product and the associated knowledge, we at Flamengo want to offer you as a customer an optimal experience. We will do our utmost to achieve this, including fast and free delivery, high customer satisfaction and good service.

We would like to support you to get the most out of yourself. We are happy to help you optimize your healthy lifestyle. Maximum energy, fitness, youthfulness, inspiration and balance.

Just like the Flamingo.

That's why Flamengo: loading your lifestyle