Terms and Conditions

Table of contents:

Article 1 - Definitions


Article 2 - Identity of the entrepreneur


Article 3 - Applicability


Article 4 - The offer


Article 5 - The agreement


Article 6 - Right of withdrawal


Article 7 - Costs in case of withdrawal


Article 8 - Exclusion of right of withdrawal


Article 9 - The price


Article 10 - Conformity and warranty


Article 11 - Delivery and execution


Article 12 - Duration transactions: duration, cancellation and extension


Article 13 - Payment


Article 14 - Complaints procedure


Article 15 - Disputes


Article 16 - Additional or deviating provisions

Article 17 - Promotion conditions


Article 1 - Definitions

In these conditions the following definitions apply:

  • Reflection period: the period within which the consumer can exercise his right of withdrawal;
  • Consumer: the natural person who does not act in the exercise of a profession or business and who enters into a distance contract with the entrepreneur;
  • Day: calendar day;
  • Duration transaction: a distance contract relating to a series of products and/or services, the delivery and/or purchase obligation of which is spread over time;
  • Durable data carrier: any means that enables the consumer or entrepreneur to store information that is addressed to him personally in a way that enables future consultation and unchanged reproduction of the stored information.
  • Right of withdrawal: the option for the consumer to cancel the distance contract within the cooling-off period;
  • Model form: the model form for withdrawal that the entrepreneur makes available that a consumer can complete when he wants to exercise his right of withdrawal.
  • Entrepreneur: the natural or legal person who offers products and/or services remotely to consumers;
  • Distance agreement: an agreement in which, within the framework of a system organized by the entrepreneur for the distance sale of products and/or services, exclusive use is made of one or more techniques for distance communication up to and including the conclusion of the agreement;
  1. Remote communication technology: means that can be used to conclude an agreement, without the consumer and entrepreneur being together in the same room at the same time.
  2. General Terms and Conditions: the present General Terms and Conditions of the entrepreneur.


Article 2 - Identity of the entrepreneur

Impresa e-commerce VOF

hereinafter referred to as Flamengolife

Chamber of Commerce number: 87602210


Article 3 - Applicability

  • These general terms and conditions apply to every offer from the entrepreneur and to every distance contract and orders concluded between the entrepreneur and the consumer.
  • Before the distance contract is concluded, the text of these general terms and conditions will be made available to the consumer. If this is not reasonably possible, before the distance contract is concluded, it will be indicated that the general terms and conditions can be viewed at the entrepreneur and they will be sent free of charge as soon as possible at the request of the consumer.
  • If the distance contract is concluded electronically, notwithstanding the previous paragraph and before the distance contract is concluded, the text of these general terms and conditions can be made available to the consumer electronically in such a way that it can be read by the consumer. can be easily stored on a durable data carrier. If this is not reasonably possible, before the distance contract is concluded, it will be indicated where the general terms and conditions can be viewed electronically and that they will be sent free of charge electronically or otherwise at the request of the consumer.
  • In the event that, in addition to these general terms and conditions, specific product or service terms and conditions also apply, the second and third paragraphs apply mutatis mutandis and in the event of conflicting general terms and conditions, the consumer can always rely on the applicable provision that is most favorable to him. is.
  • If one or more provisions in these general terms and conditions are at any time wholly or partially null and void or are annulled, the remainder of the agreement and these terms and conditions will remain in force and the provision in question will be immediately replaced in mutual consultation by a provision that of the original as closely as possible.
  • Situations that are not regulated in these general terms and conditions must be assessed 'in the spirit' of these general terms and conditions.
  • Any uncertainties regarding the interpretation or content of one or more provisions of our terms and conditions must be interpreted 'in the spirit' of these general terms and conditions.


Article 4 - The offer

  • If an offer has a limited period of validity or is made subject to conditions, this will be expressly stated in the offer.
  • The offer is without obligation. The entrepreneur is entitled to change and adapt the offer.
  • The offer contains a complete and accurate description of the products and/or services offered. The description is sufficiently detailed to enable a good assessment of the offer by the consumer. If the entrepreneur uses images, these are a true representation of the products and/or services offered. Obvious mistakes or errors in the offer do not bind the entrepreneur.
  • All images and specifications in the offer are indicative and cannot give rise to compensation or termination of the agreement.
  • Images of products are a true representation of the products offered. The entrepreneur cannot guarantee that the colors displayed correspond exactly to the real colors of the products.
  • Each offer contains such information that it is clear to the consumer what the rights and obligations are associated with accepting the offer. This concerns in particular:

  • the price including taxes;
  • any shipping costs;
  • the manner in which the agreement will be concluded and what actions are required for this;
  • whether or not the right of withdrawal applies;
  • the method of payment, delivery and execution of the agreement;

  • the period for acceptance of the offer, or the period within which the entrepreneur guarantees the price;

  • the amount of the rate for distance communication if the costs of using the technology for distance communication are calculated on a different basis than the regular basic rate for the means of communication used;

  • whether the agreement is archived after its conclusion, and if so, how it can be consulted by the consumer;

  • the way in which the consumer, before concluding the agreement, can check the data provided by him in the context of the agreement and, if desired, restore it;

  • any other languages ​​in which, in addition to Dutch, the agreement can be concluded;

  • the codes of conduct to which the entrepreneur has submitted and the way in which the consumer can consult these codes of conduct electronically; and

  • the minimum duration of the distance contract in the case of a long-term transaction.


Article 5 - The agreement

  • The agreement is concluded, subject to the provisions of paragraph 4, at the time of acceptance by the consumer of the offer and compliance with the conditions set.
  • If the consumer has accepted the offer electronically, the entrepreneur will immediately confirm receipt of the acceptance of the offer electronically. As long as receipt of this acceptance has not been confirmed by the entrepreneur, the consumer can terminate the agreement.
  • If the agreement is concluded electronically, the entrepreneur will take appropriate technical and organizational measures to secure the electronic transfer of data and ensure a safe web environment. If the consumer can pay electronically, the entrepreneur will take appropriate security measures.
  • The entrepreneur can - within legal frameworks - inform himself whether the consumer can meet his payment obligations, as well as all those facts and factors that are important for a responsible conclusion of the distance contract. If, based on this investigation, the entrepreneur has good reasons not to enter into the agreement, he is entitled to refuse an order or request with reasons or to attach special conditions to the execution.
  • The entrepreneur will send the following information to the consumer with the product or service, in writing or in such a way that it can be stored by the consumer in an accessible manner on a durable data carrier:

    the visiting address of the entrepreneur's branch where the consumer can go with complaints;
    the conditions under which and the manner in which the consumer can exercise the right of withdrawal, or a clear statement regarding the exclusion of the right of withdrawal;


  • the information about warranties and existing after-sales service;


  • the information included in Article 4, paragraph 3 of these conditions, unless the entrepreneur has already provided this information to the consumer before the execution of the agreement;


  • the requirements for terminating the agreement if the agreement has a duration of more than one year or is of indefinite duration.


  • In the case of a duration transaction, the provision in the previous paragraph only applies to the first delivery.


  • Every agreement is entered into under the suspensive conditions of sufficient availability of the products in question.


Article 6 - Right of withdrawal

When delivering products:

  • When purchasing products, the consumer has the option to terminate the agreement without giving reasons within 30 days. This reflection period commences on the day after receipt of the product by the consumer or a representative designated in advance by the consumer and announced to the entrepreneur.


  • During the cooling-off period, the consumer will handle the product and packaging with care. He will only unpack or use the product to the extent necessary to assess whether he wishes to keep the product. If he exercises his right of withdrawal, he will return the product with all accessories supplied and - if reasonably possible - in the original condition and packaging to the entrepreneur, in accordance with the reasonable and clear instructions provided by the entrepreneur.


  • To exercise the right of withdrawal, you must inform us; Flamengolife, via info@flamengolife.nl an unequivocal statement
    inform you of your decision to withdraw from the contract.

    To comply with the withdrawal period, it is sufficient to send your communication regarding your exercise of the right of withdrawal before the withdrawal period has expired.


  • If, after the expiry of the periods referred to in paragraphs 2 and 3, the customer has not indicated that he wishes to exercise his right of withdrawal or has not returned the product to the entrepreneur, the purchase is a fact.


When providing services:

  • When providing services, the consumer has the option to terminate the agreement without giving reasons for a period of 30 days, starting on the day of entering into the agreement.


  • To exercise his right of withdrawal, the consumer will follow the reasonable and clear instructions provided by the entrepreneur with the offer and/or at the latest upon delivery.


Article 7 - Costs in case of withdrawal

  • If the consumer exercises his right of withdrawal, a maximum of the direct costs of returning the goods will be borne by him.


  • If the consumer has paid an amount, the entrepreneur will refund this amount as soon as possible, but no later than within 14 days after cancellation. This is subject to the condition that the product has already been received back by the online retailer or that conclusive proof of complete return can be provided. Refunds will be made via the same payment method used by the consumer unless the consumer expressly consents to another payment method.


  • If the product is damaged due to careless handling by the consumer himself, the consumer is liable for any reduction in value of the product.


  • The consumer cannot be held liable for depreciation of the product if the entrepreneur has not provided all legally required information about the right of withdrawal, this must be done before concluding the purchase agreement.


Article 8 - Exclusion of right of withdrawal

  • The entrepreneur can exclude the consumer's right of withdrawal for products as described in paragraphs 2 and 3. The exclusion of the right of withdrawal only applies if the entrepreneur has clearly stated this in the offer, at least in time before concluding the agreement.


  • Exclusion of the right of withdrawal is only possible for products:


  • that have been created by the entrepreneur in accordance with the consumer's specifications;


  • that are clearly personal in nature;


  • which by their nature cannot be returned;


  • that can spoil or age quickly;


  • the price of which is subject to fluctuations in the financial market over which the entrepreneur has no influence;


  • for individual newspapers and magazines;


  • for audio and video recordings and computer software of which the consumer has broken the seal.


  • for hygienic products of which the consumer has broken the seal.


  • Exclusion of the right of withdrawal is only possible for services:


  • regarding accommodation, transport, restaurant business or leisure activities to be carried out on a certain date or during a certain period;
  • the delivery of which has started with the express consent of the consumer before the cooling-off period has expired;


  • concerning betting and lotteries.


Article 9 - The price

  • During the period of validity stated in the offer, the prices of the products and/or services offered will not be increased, except for price changes as a result of changes in VAT rates.


  • Notwithstanding the previous paragraph, the entrepreneur may offer products or services with variable prices, the prices of which are subject to fluctuations in the financial market and over which the entrepreneur has no influence. This liability to fluctuations and the fact that any prices stated are target prices are stated in the offer.


  • Price increases within 3 months after the conclusion of the agreement are only permitted if they are the result of legal regulations or provisions.


  • Price increases from 3 months after the conclusion of the agreement are only permitted if the entrepreneur has stipulated this and:


  • these are the result of legal regulations or provisions; or


  • the consumer has the right to cancel the agreement with effect from the day on which the price increase takes effect.


  • The prices stated in the offer of products or services include VAT.


  • All prices are subject to printing and typographical errors. No liability is accepted for the consequences of printing and typographical errors. In the event of printing and typographical errors, the entrepreneur is not obliged to deliver the product at the incorrect price.


Article 10 - Conformity and Warranty

  • The entrepreneur guarantees that the products and/or services comply with the agreement, the specifications stated in the offer, the reasonable requirements of reliability and/or usability and the legal provisions existing on the date of the conclusion of the agreement and/or or government regulations. If agreed, the entrepreneur also guarantees that the product is suitable for other than normal use.


  • A guarantee provided by the entrepreneur, manufacturer or importer does not affect the legal rights and claims that the consumer can assert against the entrepreneur under the agreement.


  • Any defects or incorrectly delivered products must be reported to the entrepreneur in writing within 4 weeks of delivery. Products must be returned in the original packaging and in new condition.


  • The entrepreneur's warranty period corresponds to the manufacturer's warranty period. However, the entrepreneur is never responsible for the ultimate suitability of the products for each individual application by the consumer, nor for any advice regarding the use or application of the products.


  • The warranty does not apply if:

  • The consumer has repaired and/or edited the delivered products himself or has had them repaired and/or edited by third parties;

  • The delivered products have been exposed to abnormal conditions or have otherwise been treated carelessly or are contrary to the instructions of the entrepreneur and/or have been treated on the packaging;

  • The defect is wholly or partly the result of regulations that the government has imposed or will impose with regard to the nature or quality of the materials used.


Article 11 - Delivery and execution

  • The entrepreneur will exercise the utmost care when receiving and executing orders for products and when assessing applications for the provision of services.


  • The place of delivery is the address that the consumer has provided to the company.


  • Taking into account what is stated in paragraph 4 of this article, the company will execute accepted orders expeditiously, but no later than within 30 days, unless the consumer has agreed to a longer delivery period. If delivery is delayed, or if an order cannot be fulfilled or can only be partially fulfilled, the consumer will be notified of this no later than 30 days after he has placed the order. In that case, the consumer has the right to terminate the agreement without costs. The consumer is not entitled to compensation.


  • All delivery times are indicative. The consumer cannot derive any rights from any stated periods. Exceeding a term does not entitle the consumer to compensation.


  • In the event of dissolution in accordance with paragraph 3 of this article, the entrepreneur will refund the amount paid by the consumer as soon as possible, but no later than within 14 days after dissolution.


  • If delivery of an ordered product proves to be impossible, the entrepreneur will make every effort to make a replacement item available. No later than upon delivery, it will be stated in a clear and understandable manner that a replacement item will be delivered. For replacement items right of withdrawal can not be excluded. The costs of any return shipment are borne by the entrepreneur.


  • The risk of damage and/or loss of products rests with the entrepreneur until the moment of delivery to the consumer or a representative designated in advance and made known to the entrepreneur, unless expressly agreed otherwise.


Article 12 - Duration transactions: duration, cancellation and extension


  • The consumer can terminate an agreement that has been entered into for an indefinite period and that extends to the regular delivery of products (including electricity) or services at any time, taking into account the agreed cancellation rules and a notice period of no more than one month.


  • The consumer can terminate an agreement that has been entered into for a fixed period and which extends to the regular delivery of products (including electricity) or services at any time towards the end of the fixed duration, taking into account the agreed cancellation rules and a notice period of at least maximum one month.


  • The consumer can terminate the agreements referred to in the previous paragraphs:

  • cancel at any time and not be limited to cancellation at a certain time or in a certain period;

  • at least cancel in the same manner as they were entered into by him;

  • always cancel with the same notice period as the entrepreneur has agreed for himself.



  • An agreement that has been entered into for a specific period and that extends to the regular delivery of products (including electricity) or services may not be tacitly extended or renewed for a specific period.


  • Notwithstanding the previous paragraph, an agreement that has been entered into for a fixed period and which extends to the regular delivery of daily news and weekly newspapers and magazines may be tacitly extended for a fixed period of up to three months, if the consumer refuses to accept this extended agreement. may terminate the extension with a notice period of no more than one month.


  • An agreement that has been entered into for a definite period and that extends to the regular delivery of products or services may only be tacitly extended for an indefinite period if the consumer may cancel at any time with a notice period of no more than one month and a notice period of no more than three months if the agreement extends to the regular, but less than once a month, delivery of daily, news and weekly newspapers and magazines.


  • A limited-term agreement for the regular delivery of daily, news and weekly newspapers and magazines for introductory purposes (trial or introductory subscription) is not tacitly continued and ends automatically after the trial or introductory period.



  • If an agreement has a duration of more than one year, the consumer may terminate the agreement at any time after one year with a notice period of no more than one month, unless reasonableness and fairness oppose termination before the end of the agreed duration.


Article 13 - Payment

  • Unless otherwise agreed, the amounts owed by the consumer must be paid within 7 working days after the start of the reflection period referred to in Article 6, paragraph 1. In the case of an agreement to provide a service, this period commences after the consumer has received confirmation of the agreement.


  • The consumer has the obligation to immediately report any inaccuracies in payment details provided or stated to the entrepreneur.


  • In the event of non-payment by the consumer, the entrepreneur has the right, subject to legal restrictions, to charge the reasonable costs communicated to the consumer in advance.


Article 14 - Complaints procedure

  • The entrepreneur has a sufficiently publicized complaints procedure and handles the complaint in accordance with this complaints procedure.


  • Complaints about the execution of the agreement must be submitted fully and clearly described to the entrepreneur within 7 days after the consumer has discovered the defects.


  • Complaints submitted to the entrepreneur will be answered within a period of 14 days from the date of receipt. If a complaint requires a foreseeably longer processing time, the entrepreneur will respond within 14 days with an acknowledgment of receipt and an indication of when the consumer can expect a more detailed answer.


  • If the complaint cannot be resolved by mutual agreement, a dispute arises that is subject to the dispute settlement procedure.
  • In case of complaints, a consumer must first contact the entrepreneur. If the online store is affiliated with Stichting WebwinkelKeur and for complaints that cannot be resolved by mutual agreement, the consumer must contact Stichting WebwinkelKeur ( nl ), which will mediate free of charge. Check whether this online store has a current membership via https://www.webwinkelkeur.nl/leden/ . If a solution is not yet found, the consumer has the option to have his complaint handled by the independent dispute committee appointed by Stichting WebwinkelKeur, the decision of which is binding and both the entrepreneur and the consumer agree to this binding decision. Submitting a dispute to this dispute committee involves costs that must be paid by the consumer to the relevant committee. It is also possible to register complaints via the European ODR platform ( http://ec.europa.eu/odr ).


  • A complaint does not suspend the obligations of the entrepreneur, unless the entrepreneur indicates otherwise in writing.
  • If a complaint is found to be justified by the entrepreneur, the entrepreneur will, at his option, replace or repair the delivered products free of charge.


Article 15 - Disputes

  • Agreements between the entrepreneur and the consumer to which these general terms and conditions apply are exclusively governed by Dutch law. Even if the consumer lives abroad.


  • The Vienna Sales Convention does not apply.


Article 16 - Additional or deviating provisions

Additional or deviating provisions from these general terms and conditions may not be to the detriment of the consumer and must be recorded in writing or in such a way that they can be stored by the consumer in an accessible manner on a durable data carrier.

Article 17 - Promotion conditions

  1. Participation in promotions is free of charge.
  2. Participation takes place when you have responded to Flamengolife via social media or, if applicable, completed a registration form.
  3. Participation in promotions is only possible for people aged 18 or older.
  4. The duration of promotions and the moment of announcement of the winner(s) is always stated in the social media post or on the form to be completed.
  5. Flamengolife is entitled to change the promotion conditions at any time or to stop the promotions without giving any reason.
  6. Personal data of participants will not be released or provided to external parties without consultation, unless permission has been given to receive a newsletter from an external party.
  7. Personal data of participants can be used internally to register for the Flamengolife newsletter, if permission has been given for this in the promotion.
  8. Dutch law applies to all promotions.
  9. The winner of a promotion is chosen by means of an impartial draw.
  10. The winner of a promotion will receive a personal message via the social media channel on which the promotion took place.
  11. If the winner does not report within one week of announcement, a new winner will be selected.
  12. flamengolife is authorized to exclude persons from participation if there is suspicion of unlawful participation or fraud.
  13. Participants who have not won a prize will not be notified.
  14. It is not possible to exchange the won product for another product or amount of money.
  15. Correspondence cannot be entered into regarding the outcome of actions.

© Copyright 2022 Flamengolife®. All rights reserved.

Based on 124 reviews
Ook weer een topper

Ik gebruik 4 ijssleeves voor mijn benen en armen om te koelen en het is voor mij ideaal voor herstel. Eem goede ijstherapie herstelssie. Sinds vorig jaar heb ik de saunadeken van Flamengo en ook met deze producten ben ik weer erg blij. Ga zo door.

Het helpt mij zeker

Ik wandel veel en vaak met wat pijntjes achteraf, moet ik zeggen dat dit apparaat mij echt helpt. Al mijn vrienden heb ik het sowieso al geaviseerd, dus dat zegt denk ik genoeg.

Als je regelmatig last hebt van vastzittende spieren, dan is dit wat je zoekt.

Heel fijn voor mijn knieen

Ik gebruik de InfraPulse Therapy na het sporten voor mijn knieen, en ik kan zeggen dat het heel fijn voelt, geeft echt verlichting. Enige minpunt vind ik dat de batterij best snel leeg is. Als ik mijn beide knieen een half uur (pulse en infrarood) laat lopen haal ik daar geen 2 sessies mee, dan is de 2e dag de batterij halverwege leeg. Gaat waarschijnlijk langer mee als alleen pulse of infrarood gebruikt wordt.

goed product met een mooie prijs

Top. Ik gebruik het eigenlijk alleen voor de koeling en dit is perfect. Na het sporten even circa 10min gerichte koeltherapie

Niks voor mij

De deken voor mijn verjaardag gehad aangezien ik altijd pijn in de spieren heb en ook reuma.
Het product ziet er geweldig uit en zal ook zeker werken maar ik voelde me opgesloten en vindt de deken te zwaar. Werd er heel onrustig van.
Dus vandaar 3 sterren van mij

Flamengo ijsbad – koel en stevig

Het Flamengo ijsbad met chiller is zeker een fijne toevoeging voor mijn herstelroutine. Het bad is stevig en ziet er best strak uit, en de grootte is ideaal – je kunt er lekker in zitten zonder je ingesnoerd te voelen. De chiller houdt het water heerlijk koud, wat top is na een zware training.

Verrassend krachtige massagemat!

Ik ben echt verbaasd over de technologie van deze massagemat. De airbagmassage is krachtiger dan ik had verwacht en geeft een diepe, ontspannende massage. Het voelt verrassend goed en helpt me echt te ontspannen na een lange dag. Super blij met deze aankoop, zeker een aanrader als je op zoek bent naar iets dat zowel krachtig als fijn is!

Top aankoop voor herstel

Het is makkelijk te gebruiken en werkt perfect voor verschillende plekken op je lichaam. Een aanrader!

Perfect voor stretching en ontspanning

De airbagmassage ..ik denk dat het zo heet..zorgt ervoor dat je lichaam zich op een natuurlijke manier strekt, wat enorm fijn is na een lange dag. Het voelt alsof je spieren voorzichtig worden losgemaakt, en dat geeft zo'n heerlijk ontspannen gevoel. Ik ben echt onder de indruk van hoe goed dit werkt –

Geweldig apparaat voor na het hardlopen!

k gebruik dit knie-apparaat regelmatig na mijn hardloopsessies, en het doet echt wonderen. Het infrarood en de vibratie zorgen ervoor dat de pijn in mijn knie snel vermindert en ik sneller herstel. Soms gebruik ik het ook op mijn kuiten en achillespezen als ik daar spierpijn heb, en het helpt ook daar goed. Superhandig en makkelijk in gebruik!

helpt bij kniepijn!

Enorm fijn voor dagelijks gebruik voor de verlichting van pijn van mijn knie. Zowel de warmte en de vibratie voelen super comfortabel!



Hemel op aarde

Heb spierreuma en maak 2 keer per week gebruik van de infrarode Flamengo saunadeken. Het is niet alleen een genot om erin te liggen, het verlicht ook de stijfheid en pijnklachten. De deken is gemaakt van heel degelijk materiaal, net zoals de handdoek waar je in ligt. Een super investering, ook als je geen klachten hebt, maar gewoon wekelijks je lichaam en geest wilt verwennen!!!

Flamengo® infrarood sauna deken
Hester Van der Vliet
Heerlijk ontspannen

Via een advertentie bij flamingo uitgekomen, veel gelezen en ff getwijfeld of dit echt zo fantastisch is als er geschreven werd en de knoop doorgehakt en besteld want een sauna bezoeken is nogal een drempel voor mij maar thuis n cabine neerzetten neemt nogal wat ruimte in . Ik moet echt bekennen dat het een goede investering geweest is, heerlijk ontspannen in me eigen omgeving, eigen sfeer diffuser aan met eucalyptus doet je echt wanen in een sauna te zijn , het helpt me te ontspannen en het is ook zo opgeruimd zou er het liefst iedere dag ingaan, het is ecbt even een me time momentje beveel het zeer zeker aan,

Ik voel me heerlijk ontspannen en bijna een topsporter 😅

Ik ben ontzettend blij met mijn Flamengo infrarood saunadeken! Zelfs in de zomer is het een heerlijke ervaring. De warmte van de infraroodstraling dringt diep door in je spieren en zorgt voor een ultiem ontspanningsmoment, ook al is het buiten 30 graden .

Een extra pluspunt was de korting tijdens de Olympische Spelen. Het was niet alleen een fijne financiële meevaller, maar ook leuk om te zien hoe Flamengo samenwerkt met topsporters. Het gevoel dat je dezelfde producten gebruikt als professionals geeft een extra boost aan je eigen gezondheid en welzijn. Het voelt bijna alsof je zelf een beetje een topsporter bent 😉.

Kortom, de Flamengo saunadeken raad ik zeker aan voor iedereen die op zoek is naar ontspanning en de vele voordelen van infrarood wil ervaren!

De Flamengo saunadeken is echt een uitkomst!

De Flamengo saunadeken is echt een uitkomst!

Ik zag deze deken in een magazine over de Olympische Spelen, waar topsporters er gebruik van maken. Dat zegt genoeg over de kwaliteit en effectiviteit en heb ik zelf ook mogen ervaren.

Na een lange wandeling of als ik spierpijn heb, werkt hij heerlijk. Je slaapt er beter door en het geeft super veel ontspanning. De kwaliteit is top, echt waar voor je geld.

Wat deze saunadeken nog beter maakt dan een infrarood cabine, is dat je lekker kan liggen tijdens het gebruik. Daarnaast is hij vele malen goedkoper en efficiënter dan een infrarood cabine. Het is een investering, maar je haalt het er zo makkelijk uit dat het meer dan waard is. En hij is ook nog eens super makkelijk schoon te maken en op te bergen. Wat een geweldige uitvinding!

Heerlijke ervaring!

De saunadeken is een geweldige aankoop! De deken is luxe en eenvoudig te gebruiken. Binnen enkele minuten ben je aan het zweten en voel je de spanning wegtrekken. Ik heb het gevoel dat de infrarood diep doordringt en het zorgt voor fijne ontspanning. De instelbare tijd en temperatuur is ideaal. Ook is de deken makkelijk schoon te maken, wat het gebruik extra prettig maakt. Ik kan deze saunadeken iedereen aanraden die thuis wil ontspannen en zijn gezondheid wil verbeteren. Het is een fantastische toevoeging aan mijn wellness routine!

10 sterren!

5 sterren is echt te weinig! Voor zowel de snelle service en de sauna deken!
Ben na lang zoeken bij Flamengo terechtgekomen , had nog een paar vragen die direct via de chat werden beantwoord. Zeer vriendelijk, behulpzaam en professioneel te woord gestaan.
De deken is echt top! Goede zware kwaliteit. Dioet zijn werk erg goed! Heerlijk ontspannen wakker geworden. Ik raad het iedereen aan!

5 sterren

5 sterren is echt te weinig! Voor zowel de snelle service en de sauna deken!
Ben na lang zoeken bij Flamengo terechtgekomen , had nog een paar vragen die direct via de chat werden beantwoord. Zeer vriendelijk, behulpzaam en professioneel te woord gestaan.
De deken is echt top! Goede zware kwaliteit. Doet zijn werk erg goed! Heerlijk ontspannen wakker geworden. Ik raad het iedereen aan!

Ik heb onlangs de Flamengo Ice Bath aangeschaft en ik ben er ontzettend blij mee. Een van de grootste voordelen is de relatief ''goedkope'''koeler (voor zover je het dan nog over goedkoop kan hebben). Ik heb veel gezocht, maar in prijs kwaliteit leek mij deze het beste. Hierdoor hoef ik niet langer te werken met ijszakken, wat altijd een gedoe was en uiteindelijk ook behoorlijk prijzig werd.

Het bad zelf is van hoge kwaliteit en ziet er prachtig uit. Ik heb mijn oude, goedkope badje ingeruild voor deze stijlvolle en stevige optie. Het past perfect onder mijn overkapping en is een echte upgrade in zowel functionaliteit als esthetiek.

Al met al ben ik zeer tevreden met mijn aankoop. De Flamengo Ice Bath maakt het hele proces van ijsbaden veel eenvoudiger en aangenamer.

Een compacte infrarood sauna voor thuis of onderweg.

Ik kende het deugddoende effect van infrarood sauna door het bezoek aan sauna&wellnes. Helaas is dit ook kostelijk, en tijdrovend. Om een saunawand/hut thuis te installeren hebben we geen plaats, en nog duurder! dus toen ik dit Flamengo deken voorbij zag komen, leek me dit het proberen waard. En ben er inmiddels heel tevreden van. Het helpt zeer goed om spier-& gewrichtspijnen te voorkomen/verminderen na (zware)inspanningen. Je krijgt echt een sauna effect en het geheel is achteraf makkelijk schoon te maken en op te bergen (neemt wel wat plaats). Ik hoop er nog lang van te kunnen genieten.

Heel fijn

Goede kwaliteit! De infrarood straling is erg prettig en goed af te stellen qua temperatuur en tijd.

Ben er heel blij mee. Lekker na het sporten, even lekker een half liggen in de zak. Muziekje aan, helemaal goed